

Here at the Hive, we heart mail.  Mailbag is a recurring feature in which we hip you to artists seeking play via our email inbox.

The crescendo that leads off “Back Of My Mind” betrays the country vibe waiting just behind it.

Trip over nothing but I’ll blame it on a wire…

I like to hold you in the back of my mind

So I can function at a level that is high.

The Roseline :: Back Of My Mind [mp3]

LISTEN :: BUY Vast As Sky :: SITE

Here at the Hive, we heart mail.  Mailbag is a recurring feature in which we hip you to artists seeking play via our email inbox.

Here at the Hive we have a soft spot for musicians who are these things:.

  1. Clever.
  2. GOOD.

Brendan Hines is that and the son of a former nun and priest that “fled God and Brooklyn to marry and teach philosophy” so pluses in the awesome column all around. Folk music has proven a salve for us when mending a broken heart, a hangover, and many other maladies and this kind of folk, of the Hines variety, is the perfect medicine for those things indeed. Tomorrow’s gonna be lousy, as was yesterday. I talked a lot of shit I hope soon to forget. Damn buddy, we feel you there.

Small Mistakes is out 25 September: Folk fans — NAY! Humans altogether! — BUY IT. Could’ve slid right back down and I have, slid back down…


Brendan Hines :: Could’ve Sworn [mp3]

PRE-ORDER Small Mistakes :: SITE

Here at the Hive, we heart mail.  Mailbag is a recurring feature in which we hip you to artists seeking play via our email inbox.

Dear Adam (Ye Dude Who Mailed Me About This Bit),

This is good. I like it. I cannot tell you why exactly, because it doesn’t scream folk and it’s not bluegrass but I guess that just speaks to how rad music can be. It doesn’t have to be your thing and your urge can be to turn it off, lower that volume when you realize that it’s not typically up your alley. But then, it just sort of stays on. Maybe it’s the drum or the sound of history you mention, but it’s something. This is a lesson. ‘Dusty folk’ is still folk. And I like folk, especially when it’s a little dirty.

You should keep doing what you do and maybe release an album. I’d buy it.




Wild Leaves :: Drifter [mp3]

(Freely!) DOWNLOAD Wild Leaves :: FACEBOOK

Here at the Hive, we heart mail.  Mailbag is a recurring feature in which we hip you to artists seeking play via our email inbox.

Here’s a couple weirdly fantastic things:

1. This has GOT to be the first band we’ve ever featured — NAY! Even liked! — that is also liked by this dude named Simon Cowell who is like, Mr. American Idol or some shit. I mean, I think it’s a fair assessment that whatever that man puts down isn’t ever okay for Folk Hive, for the most part. Obviously for the most part because I’m featuring this. A. I like the fuck out of it and B. Funky folk. Yes to that.

2. Listening to the soundcloud stream of this and writing, the second song pops up which happens to be a radio rip and this nice lady and fellow are talking in the swellest of British accents, laughing along, when someone says this dude looks like Jarvis Cocker, man who is not only a formidable musician but uh, YOU GUYS. He was in Fantastic Mr Fox and I’ll be damned if Petey isn’t one of my most favorite characters to ever grace the screen. Clearly, this is a really random fucking aside but give me a chance to mention Petey’s pie tin banging song and I’ll do it…


The Robbie Boyd Band :: I Won’t Let You Go [stream]


Here at the Hive, we heart mail.  Mailbag is a recurring feature in which we hip you to artists seeking play via our email inbox.

The email I received from Communion yesterday wasn’t meant solely for me and it did not detail the tracks I’m about to put forth for the enjoyment of your heart and eustachians. But it brought my attention to them, calling out to me with an interesting album title, song names like those of Andrew Bird if only he smoked more weed and was thus, longer winded, and a voice that moves me, for what exact reason I cannot pinpoint other than it’s perfect.

Paul Thomas Saunders will release Descartes Highlands on 16 April, a follow up to 2011’s Lilac and Wisteria, and it’s a stunner.

Take the car,
Drive it down to the ocean,
Cut your cards,
Burn the letters you were given,
In every word they swore true love was hidden.


Paul Thomas Saunders :: The Trail Remains Unseen [stream]


Communion is offering ‘Silhouettes of an English Rose’, a track from Lilac and Wisteria as a free download. Snag that beauty below…


PRE-ORDER Descartes Highlands :: SITE

Here at the Hive, we heart mail.  Mailbag is a recurring feature in which we hip you to artists seeking play via our email inbox.

While I have never worked a plow because it must be done to feed the children, while I have never plucked a chicken because Papa wanted one raised from a chick for dinner, and while I have never descended down into a coal mine only to be raised from that pit back into the sunlight with a dirty face and soiled fingernails, I still cherish music that conveys the soul of those who might have.

Time has moved on now and even in the leanest parts of the country, these things are not so necessary anymore. But still, it’s always nice to be reminded of where we all came from. Al Scorch & The Country Soul Ensemble is just the band for that.

Because this band sings the songs of my forefathers, particularly those born, raised, and passed on here in the Ozarks, I’ve invited the band for a show in the backyard. Dealing with them through a publicist means that probably won’t happen but how swell it would be. Scorch and his band are out on tour, with a Daytrotter Session and a new album, Tired Ghostly Town, in the wings, Observe the dates below, take in a show. It’s the least you can do in the memory of your long-gone Grand-dad.

4/27 – Minneapolis, Minn. @ Hexagon Bar
4/28 – Duluth, Minn. @ The Round Up
4/29 – Milwaukee, Wi. @ House Show (email for info)
5/14 – Kansas City, Mo. @ Rural Grit Happy Hour at the Birck
5/16 – St. Louis, Mo. @ Stag Night at El Leandor
5/21 – Chicago, Ill. @ Cole’s
5/22 – Rock Island, Ill. @ DayTrotter session
5/23 – Kansas City, Mo. @ Davey’s Uptown Ramblers Club
5/25 – Carbondale, Ill. @ Hangar 9


Al Scorch & The Country Soul Ensemble :: Working Dream [mp3]

Al Scorch & The Country Soul Ensemble :: Miss Rosie [stream]


Tired Ghostly Town will be released 21 May via Plan-It-X South.


Here at the Hive, we heart mail.  Mailbag is a recurring feature in which we hip you to artists seeking play via our email inbox.

This morning it rained ever-so-slightly and it had me wishing for that Smell-O-Vision camera I’ve been talking about manufacturing for years, just so I could properly document the perfect smell of soon-returning Spring.

But then I was sent this song and it’ll do. If I listen to it next winter, I have a feeling it’ll trigger that smell in my heart and carry me through those cold months.


Greylag :: Black Crow [mp3]



Here at the Hive, we heart mail.  Mailbag is a recurring feature in which we hip you to artists seeking play via our email inbox.

It’s noon:28 here. It snowed and is snowing. There are inches of it on the ground, chasing away the birds that resided in the front yard trees just yesterday, and it’s continuing it’s assault, buckling down in the past couple hours with flakes the size of fists. Evil bastard winter fists.

I got an email from Dan this morning, Ye Dude of The Glorious, and all I can tell you is that the band is currently residing in Melbourne where I’m sure it’s not fucking snowing. I can tell you also that I’ve no idea why I like this so much, I cannot put my finger on it and I’ve been sitting here with a stolen Blue Moon (thanks for forgetting those, Smash!) pondering that very thing. I’d like to explain it and look like an all-knowing music blogger but I just like it and that is all. I think you might too…


The Glorious :: Revival! [mp3]

Head over to the WEBSITE and grab their EP free. Cause these dudes are just nice. Then head to Soundcloud and listen to your heart’s content. Anything/everything from Sweetwater is worth your time. Annnnnd, go.

Here at the Hive, we heart mail.  Mailbag is a recurring feature in which we hip you to artists seeking play via our email inbox.

The way I arrived upon the jams of Oriole Post is a little unconventional, at least when it comes to the normal premise of Mailbag.  This was not sent to me by a band, not by a label.  Instead, this was sent along by a friend in Kansas City, a friend from college.  We don’t necessarily like the same kind of music (or, at least, I thought we didn’t) but he’s read the blog and thought that this might reside right up my alley.  Fuck yeah, DUDE WAS RIGHT.  Not only is Silver City a set of really great tunes but it’s so nice to find something being made by people from  my home state that doesn’t just blow ass.  Seriously, it’s not like Missouri is a mecca of amazing folk jams which is just insane because, HELLO.  BACKWOODS!

Without further ado, the sounds of Oriole Post.  And thanks go out to my pal Sean, who apparently knows me better than I thought and who has apparently (thankfully) gotten over his shitty music obsession.

Oriole Post :: Like I Should [MP3]

Oriole Post :: Sparrow [MP3]

BUY Silver City :: WEBSITE

Here at the Hive, we heart mail.  Mailbag is a recurring feature in which we hip you to artists seeking play via our email inbox.

The Mailbag feature around these parts is akin to my relationships: When you want it real bad and you get it, it’s usually shitty.  But the second you give up on it, the second you come to truly believe that nothing good will ever come and that’s okay, there it is.

New Animal.  I received the humblest of emails this morning from Kris and I was cautious about getting too jazzed up but fortunately, because I’m interested in all the shit the universe deems worthy of throwing at me, I checked up on it.  Let this be a lesson, children.  CHECK UP ON IT.

Typically, debut albums 15 songs long are a stretch — there are only that many jams because a band, an artist, a man, has a hard time being succinct and focused enough to say what he needs to say in 8 or 9 tunes.  But New Animal miraculously succeeds at staying in line in these 15 songs, not traveling too far outside the lines they’ve drawn for themselves and yet somehow, taking us on a journey that’s worth every minute.  I’ve spent this morning drinking in every track and as one of the most fickle people on the damn planet, I can tell you that New Animal earns your time.  They know you’re busy, they know you’ve got a life racing on behind you.  But these men are fucking nice enough not to let you down.

The whole of this debut is storied.  Get it.  Get it now.


New Animal :: In The Water At Night [MP3]

New Animal :: Fires In The Backyard [MP3]

DOWNLOAD New Animal.  It’s free.  Makes me love ‘Merica. :: WEBSITE