

Riding the Back of a Hog (better known as “piggybacking”) is a feature here at the Folk Hive where we do the leg work for you and highlight the best, most interesting, insanely rad posts from music blogs out in the wilderness known as the internets.  You’re welcome.


Muzzle of Bees alerts us to the fact that favorites Juniper Tar are playing three dates with other favorites, the Deep Dark Woods, in cities that are not remotely close to me, geographically.  Awesome and yet, balls.  The former band (favorites, remember) just recorded a Daytrotter session which is about the raddest shit to happen all week.  Also of note: a NPR Tiny Desk concert with Local Natives, Sat. Nite Duets are opening for Smith Westerns, and a great article in the NYT about the new Low Anthem.


Speaking of the Low Anthem, Smart Flesh, was released today.  YOU SHOULD HAVE THIS.


Dead Oceans points us to a vid of Akron/Family generally being fucking awesome last night in a church.


Cotton Jones released Sit Beside Your Vegetables today, making it the most awesome Tuesday I’ve had in quite some time.  For a mere $3.65 and too can enjoy a badass second day o’ the week.  Fuck dudes, ‘Lune Chatter’ alone is worth that measly sum.


Piggybacking is a feature here at the Folk Hive where we do the leg work for you and highlight the best, most interesting, insanely rad posts from music blogs out in the wilderness known as the internets.  You’re welcome.


First and foremost, kids, please hit up the DAYTROTTER session with Peter Wolf Crier that went live today.  That version of “Down, Down, Down” is the most sweetly reverb-ed piece of music I’ve heard in literally, A MILLION YEARS.


Collections of Colonies of Bees is heading to Hometapes!  Shirts and kisses and new albums abound!


Speaking of COCOB, Muzzle of Bees alerted the world this AM to a pretty rad video of Volcano Choir performing in Japan.  For some reason, I really enjoy watching Rosenau jam the fuck out…


Pitchfork previews a new track from the upcoming Tennis album, Cape Dory.


And last but certainly not least, watch two of our favorite men jam.  Like, really jam.  Also, Jack White’s facial hair FTW.