
Pastel Pistol

And now, children, something a little out of the ordinary.  Something less folk and more…not folky.  Take a listen to the man who calls himself Pastel Pistol

I stumbled upon this little gem this morn’, after staying up too late and pretending like I was 20 again.  After slumber-partying it up into the wee hours of the dark and not giving a shit that my child was up 3 hours past his already-late bedtime.  MOM OF THE YEAR.  This morning I was tired.  I was feeling my age.  I imbibed coffee with all the seriousness of a nearly thirty-year-old attempting to awake her brain as if a crack fiend on a nine-day binge and I scuttled off to school, where I encountered 300 very loud children invading my personal bubble.  The combination of those things?  Meltdown inducing on a fucking Thursday morning.

And then!  And then.  There was Pastel Pistol.  This is not the usual fare that excites me, no doubt, but speaking of combinations, there was this: “Recorded for $400, spanning over two goddamn years…”.  And then there was the genre listing of simply “schwing”.  And then there was me liking it.  FEELING IT, YA’LL.

Trip on over and snag the rest of The Subtlest of Pastels and Creams.  Go fetch your own AND THEN!.  And never underestimate the power of a serious drum beat to rectify less an eight hours of rest, regardless of your age…

Pastel Pistol :: Put Your Hands Away [MP3]

Pastel Pistol :: Fire Engine Catwalk [MP3]

BUY The Subtlest of Pastels and Creams :: BANDCAMP