
Middle Brother

No, I’m not being a redundant jackass in the title you see above.  Middle Brother has released a new track and holy shit, you guys.  I swear this band gets better and better with every listen.  SO fucking stoked for this album in March.  Also, if they really are singing “I got a dick so hard a cat could scratch” I’ll pledge undying love for this damn band and groupie-follow them on tour.  FOR REALZ.

Middle Brother :: Middle Brother [MP3]


[The combination of these three dudes defines “holy fuck awesomeness”.  Encyclopedia: LOOK IT UP.  It’s on page 212, dudes.]

Slowly but surely, jams and ditties from Middle Brother, tiny gifts of lyrics and sounds unheard, are erupting out in cyberspace and each and every time, I smile.  For realz.  It’s new indeed but so, so familiar to fans of Dawes/Deer Tick/Delta Spirit that it’s comfortably wonderful.

I love it.  Love it all.  I fucking love everything lately.  Thanks a lot Middle Brother, for contributing to my newfound sappiness and fondness of like, love and shit.  I blame you solely for the loss of my street cred.

Middle Brother :: Me, Me, Me [MP3]

WEBSITE :: Partisan Records

Add up the following:

Dawes :: How Far We’ve Come (from Daytrotter) [MP3]

Deer Tick :: Twenty Miles (BUY The Black Dirt Sessions) [MP3]

Delta Spirit :: Duncan (from Daytrotter; my favorite Paul Simon song.  It has seriously saved my life more than once.)  [MP3]

And that equals:

Holy fuck, that’s Middle Brother.  Mathematically speaking, the combined badass factor accomplished by adding up three members of three of my favorite bands is unsurpassed.  Album/tour forthcoming.  2011 just got it’s ass kicked…