
Mon Monarch

In short, Bandcamp is the shit (that ‘the’ would have been capitalized to further demonstrate the awesomeness of the site but there is such a thing as Daytrotter, so it’s relegated to only lower case letters).  Since I naturally tend to prefer the opposite of the mass-produced squizz fed to the population via radio and your typical music aggregator, it’s a great site for those looking for music that in olden days would have been simply tossed by the wayside.  In the short history of this blog, I’ve featured a couple of tracks my ears would never have had the pleasure of knowing if not for Bandcamp and on a typical weekend morning I set aside a couple hours before Jude wakes to scour for something new that we both will jam to that day.

So it makes sense to highlight (and archive, for my own use) here the five bands/tracks I’m digging from Bandcamp during any given week.  Check out the gems below…


{From The Storm & the Eye}

{From The Holy Forest}

{From Songbook}

{From The Letting Go}

{From Waterproof Matches}