6am repeat :: jacob montague // all of it

6am Repeat is a recurring feature here at Folk Hive in which we stream the latest track that plays incessantly in the earbuds when we awake at that hour and imbibe massive amounts of coffee and cigarettes in preparation for the advancing day.  Consider it your jam of the day — a sweet, sweet gift from me to you.  I love you, dude.

Words are hard this morning. Yesterday was a recovery day, my insides but not quite up to par after a day spent imbibing homemade beer and far too many brats, sans buns even. I wandered around the house and marveled that the mess was so small this time around after our second successful house show and my heart was swollen with love for friends and family and cholesterol. My body is decompressing from music-induced stress and it’s all I can do to write these nonsensical words this morning.

That’s why the internet rabbit hole that has led me to Branches, Achilles And The Tortoise, and Jacob Montague is a saving grace. I eased into the early morning with some beautiful instrumental banjo jams and made my way to Branches ‘Helicopter’, and it’s talk of the words I’m missing and it seemed like serendipity given my affliction. The title of the jam alone speaks to the seeds falling from trees in droves on Locust Street, helicoptering down into the yard with their tails spinning like a flying machine through the air as they prepare for a soft landing…

All of this, this music, is related and seems to be wrapped in threads stitched by Jacob Montague. That all of it is good, every last smidge, is rare.


Branches :: Helicopter [mp3]

Jacob Montague :: Lambent [stream]

Achilles And The Tortoise :: Five Hundred Years [stream]


BUY & PWYC (Pay What You Can, yo) for Branches’ Thou Art The Dream, Jacob Montague’s Fly On, and Achillles And The Tortoise’s Maccabee.

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