i’m just gonna sit all this here for you :: jonas friddle & the majority, the james low western front, you won’t, & more…

In the future, I’m going to lament that music is making me sad and heart heavy, for it seems that doing so brings the goods. In the few days since those written words sprung forth from my keyboard, I’ve stumbled on more glorious things than in the last weeks combined. Alright universe, I get. I’M A WHINY DICK.

Whilst I could save all this up and give it to you in snippets, tiny delicious morsels of tastiness, I love you enough to lay it all out on the line at once. Prepare yourself. Grab a beer, dig in…


Other Songs Music Co. released the Scott Orr record, Where I Lived, And What I Lived For, and while perusing their roster because seriously, I love their fucking moose logo that much, I came across Medicine Hat. Oh hai chick jams I actually like!

Medicine Hat :: To Be Named [stream]

BUY Medicine Hat


I became aware of You Won’t in July of last year (if the date tag on the mp3 I possess is not a dirty liar) and like an asshole, sat on that shit. Prompted by a recommendation from Fuel/Friends, I fired it up again and now the full depth of my being a moron is exposed to the light. Get on this band. Like, literally, GET ON THEM.

You Won’t :: Who Knew [mp3]

BUY Skeptic Goodbye


From a very succinct email sitting in my inbox, whose subject was “cheap beer and good tunes”, comes this track via Rob Bravery. It’s pretty. And I like it. “Sweet seratonin…” You should know, Bravery was the key’s man for Alessi’s Ark. Fun fact!

Rob Bravery :: Remy [mp3]



I keep pages and pages of notes, a repository of handwritten thoughts on things I like and occasionally, why I like them. Truckstop Honeymoon caught my attention because, A. I’ve got a soft spot for the good ol’ truckstop, and B. They fucking rock.

Truckstop Honeymoon :: On The Prairie Now [mp3]

BUY Steamboat in a Cornfield :: SITE


If country radio played more good shit like The James Low Western Front, well. I’d listen to more country radio. In other news, you guys, GET THIS. I was in our small town chinese restaurant last night and they had a country station blasting and there was this damn song, “Made In America” I think and it was the biggest pile of bullshit I’ve ever heard. I don’t care who sings it, I don’t even know, but seriously, it made me want to move to Canada because you bet your ass that crappy pap doesn’t get written there…

Anyway, rant and a ramble. This song has a line that goes, “Heat stroke killed my best blue ribbon steer,” which is just about the best line I’ve ever heard in a song, NO HYPERBOLE.

The James Low Western Front :: Whiskey Farmer [stream]

BUY Whiskey Farmer :: SITE


{Illustration courtesy of Johnnie Cluney}

I waited for this session for approximately one million years. After all this time and since the months and years that have passed since I first heard Shakey Graves in December of 2010, I still dig this dude.With the release of this there are just two things left to pine for: Shakey in my backyard and his new forthcoming album. In other news, ELECTRIC SHAKEY!

Shakey Graves :: Word of Mouth (Live at Daytrotter) [mp3]

DAYTROTTER SESSION :: Seriously, spend two damn $’s and get access to this download.


From a recent and totally badass piece at Paste highlighting Missouri bands you must hear comes The Grisly Hand. Home state, REPRESENT! How nice it was to find a band that’s not just not awful but also happens to be totally fucking rad.

The Grisly Hand :: Western Ave [mp3]

BUY The Western Ave EP :: SITE


Nice dude Ray Foley once made a film about Neal Casal once. He wrote me about it but as it were, he also made a film about Mark Olson (Jayhawks, dude) once and while I have not seen that film, the trailer was stunning. You should watch that thing. Those of you city folk should look it up on watch it on one of your fancy cable channels. We don’t have those out here in the sticks.

Grain Pictures


Sent to me; loved at first listen. The email containing the words that made me aware of this band was sparse on details but I encourage you to do some legwork and seek this band out. Both albums sent along for my listening pleasure were just…stunning. They felt like home and I love them for that.

Jonas Friddle & The Majority :: A String To A Bell [mp3]



And that’s that. Boy, that escalated quickly! I mean, that got really got out of hand fast! (Brick killed a guy. Did you throw a trident?)

‘Til next time, y’all…


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